A comprehensive guide on how to implement a fast redirect from or to a naked or root domain to a www
subdomain (ie example.com -> www.example.com
or www.example.com -> example.com
Hey, I'm Stephen
I'm a remote freelance Ruby developer, advising & helping bootstrap startups while tinkering on some projects of my own.

Blog articles
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First time I’ve been interviewed! We talked about my experience with open source, what got me into it and how I finally got back to contributing in 2022.
A guide on setting up Hatchbox AWS EC2 servers as self-hosted GitHub Actions runners, including with how to get Linux ARM64 machines working.
Let’s look at the security implications of a Rails session :cookie_store
with domain: :all
. It is a convenient way to allow users to be authenticated across subdomains, however, any subdomains as CNAMEs which map third-party services will also receive those session cookies.
Ruby Gems & Open Source
Libraries, tools, and more
Vident helps you create flexible & maintainable component libraries for your application. Vident makes using Stimulus with your ViewComponent or Phlex components easier.
EncodedId is a Ruby gem that provides a simple way to encode and decode ids for use in URLs and includes a suite of useful features. It can be used in any Ruby application but also has a counterpart gem for Rails.

YamlCspConfig is a Ruby gem that makes it easier to manage and maintain Content Security Policies (CSPs) by allowing developers to define their CSP configuration in a YAML file and create environment-specific configurations.